When you say: I AM, you are announcing the presence of the living god within you – Dr. Joseph Murphy. Be aware when you say I AM because it will determine the type of life you live. Never say negative things about yourself. Joel Osten said: “What follows the I AM will always come looking for you – Speak Life!” I AM is awareness of being, use this affirmation to reprogram your subconscious mind and increase positive self-talk.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, For knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
– Albert Einstein
It's all energy; the universe is made of energy, our words, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes are composed of energy. Humans are merely a manifestation of energy, we are living energy, and as living energy beings we have a frequency. Frequency is defined as the rate which vibration occurs; emotions are just energy in motion - a vibration or a frequency. The stronger the emotion the stronger the frequency you are vibrating to the world.
Gratitude is the experience of counting ones blessings. A grateful heart lives a blessed life.
Breathe Easy or BE is one of Henry Kellem’s most effective tools that can literally change the course of your life when practiced. BE stops you being reactive and trains you to be thoughtful, informed and decisive in your actions and words.
Keynote Speaker - An Authentic Storyteller, Motivator and Educator
Henry Kellem brings together a community of inspiring self starters through his Motivational Lifestyle Workshops which cover everything from improving self esteem, maturing your mindset, health and fitness, business, relationships and so much more.
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